Exhibition Arquitetura ao Centro 20-23, Coimbra

The Arquitetura ao Centro Exhibition is taking place in Coimbra, at Casa das Caldeiras, until the end of September 2023. Visits take place on Fridays at two times: 17.30 to 18.15 and 18.15 to 19.00, being a unique opportunity to promotion and dissemination of the contemporary heritage of the central region, strengthening cultural and tourist visits. Frari is one of the 19 architecture studios selected for the exhibition, with the Casa 109 Project, in Vagos. At the end of the exhibition period in Coimbra, the exhibition will go on tour, visiting the cities of Viseu, Fundão, Leiria and Aveiro. More details about the dates and locations where the exhibition will be present through the Secção Regional do Centro da Ordem dos Arquitectos.